Blog | Practice Alchemy

How to Differentiate Your Law Practice with Market Positioning

Written by Raj Jha | Aug 17, 2015 2:00:09 PM

Before you start marketing your practice, through both outbound marketing (to people who don't know you) and inbound marketing (to people who already do know you), it's critical to understand what your market position is. Otherwise, you could be communicating something that's inconsistent with what your practice is all about. Going through certain positioning exercises first will really help you sharpen things up.


This isn’t to say that your marketing efforts will have no effect if you don’t position yourself first, but positioning really is the accelerator.

Market Positioning allows you to start differentiate yourself in your marketing. This includes what kind of client you’ll represent, what kind of client you won’t represent, and how your practice is unique from others.  And yes, no matter what your practice area you can position yourself as unique.

Part of your marketing strategy should be to set prospects up so that when they finally get in front of you, they already know everything they need to know about you - in order to make closing the engagement as much of a foregone conclusion as possible.

Without proper positioning, prospects will fail to see anything unique about your practice. When you interact with them for the first time, either on the phone or in person, you now have two jobs instead of one. In addition to convincing them to sign with you, you also have the task of explaining why you are unique and why your practice is the right fit for them.

Through proper positioning, prospects come into your office already knowing exactly who you are. Now you're assessing your prospects to see if they’re the right fit for your practice, and not the other way around.