Blog | Practice Alchemy

The #1 Self-Sabotaging Habit Keeping Your Law Firm From Growing

Written by Raj Jha | Apr 21, 2016 1:00:25 PM

Just last week, I was working with three of our coaching members who have a problem I would guess 60 percent of lawyers have.

They can’t get out of their own way.

They see the value in the coaching materials and guidance we provide, but they can’t seem to find the time to actually do anything.

That’s why we work on the attorney before working on the practice.

It doesn’t matter what strategies and ideas you get from me or any other resource if you can’t do anything about them and make consistent progress towards your goal.

Begin by Attacking the Biggest Problem

Most attorneys have trouble separating themselves from their business and understanding that they need to wear multiple hats.

They are not only an employee, but also the business owner. Those functions consist of different things, both requiring dedicated time.

Most attorneys focus on doing legal work, which is “employee” time. However, they spend little or no time thinking about “owner” work.

That’s a big problem because the employee work just keeps the lights on. The best they can do is earn for today. But as an owner, they also have to take care of tomorrow.

The Owner Work Is What Grows the Firm

We help our new members take control over their communication and their calendar.

They stop getting interrupted. They make progress every day. They learn from their wins.

Rung by rung, they climb out of the hole of bad habits – a hole created by years of their own digging. They become intentional about shifting from the employee mindset to the owner mindset.

The shift can be slow. Maybe an hour a week to start. But soon, they’re devoting the better part of their week to owner work. They’re taking control and becoming proactive, not reactive.

Click here to get access to my free Law Practice Growth Guide that shows you how to grow your law firm predictably and create freedom for yourself.

We Force Attorneys to Be Accountable for Themselves

People work with Practice Alchemy because we have the methodology, the systems and the processes. But also because we hold them accountable.

The bad habits that got you to where you are today will not solve the problem. Consider us your reset button.

When you start to build these new habits, you’ll notice progress. After a month, you’ll realize that you actually got things done for the first time in years. That’s an exciting feeling.

Of course, during the next month life gets in the way. Less gets done. This is when some people get distracted or discouraged, but we don’t let you fall off the wagon.

We help you get back on track to rebuild good habits. Over the course of several months, you can see the positive impact of the changes you’ve made.

At some point, everyone who goes through this process has their “aha” moment. They realize that building good habits, protecting their time, and thinking like a business owner are the most important things they can do.

That’s the big breakthrough.

But it doesn’t happen overnight. For many attorneys, it never happens because they don’t have the guidance or accountability.

Ultimately, it comes down to a choice. Do you want to succeed or fail?