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Law Firm Bookkeeping Tips To Set Your Firm Up For Success

Practice Alchemy has worked with countless law firms that attempt to do all of their bookkeeping internally. While some firms can make it work if they have the proper personnel,

Ross Yellin


Attorneys: Make These Marketing Tweaks to Skyrocket Your Referrals

The first mistake attorneys make with their marketing is assuming referrals happen by accident.

Guess what? Referral marketing is marketing. Marketing is under your control.


Raj Jha

4 mins

Why Operations Is Essential

The importance of operations in a law practice isn’t always obvious to attorneys.

This is mainly because legal businesses — especially solo firms — are usually small outfits. They

Raj Jha

2 mins

How Introverted Lawyers Can Build Strong Client Relationships

You may think that strong relationships, and things like business development skills, have to do with social interactions with clients and referral partners.

You’re probably wrong.

Raj Jha

2 mins

​How to Refocus Your Practice For Maximum Impact​ (VIDEO)

If you’re like most of the attorneys we talk with, it’s really hard to focus on the things that matter.

I was the same way.

There’s a constant deluge of client crises, admin work,

Raj Jha

0 mins

A Day in the Life of a High-Growth Law Firm Owner

Several things changed from the time I started my law practice to the time my practice started growing. The most fundamental change was my relationship with my calendar.


Raj Jha

4 mins

​How to Find the Minimum Effective Action to Get Results in Your Law Practice​

Many attorneys place equal importance on every task in their firm. They do a little bit of everything and hope for big change.

For example, an attorney may spend one hour each

Raj Jha

2 mins

3 Excuses That Are Keeping You From Growing Your Law Firm

How much of yesterday did you spend on tasks that can help you grow your law firm? How much time did you spend treading water and keeping the lights on?

Don’t get all defensive on

Raj Jha

4 mins