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Law Firm Bookkeeping Tips To Set Your Firm Up For Success

Practice Alchemy has worked with countless law firms that attempt to do all of their bookkeeping internally. While some firms can make it work if they have the proper personnel,

Ross Yellin


Why Your Law Practice Is a Hamster Wheel (And What to Do About it)

I just came back from a two-week vacation. Completely unplugged. This isn't the first time, I've done this for years. Me gone, clients being delighted by others.

Fifteen years

Raj Jha

3 mins

How to Go from Solo Practitioner to Building a Firm (Without Screwing It Up)

Tell me if one of these scenarios sounds familiar.

  • You’re a solo practitioner with no employees and you’re afraid to hire someone.
  • You’ve hired people in the past and it didn’t
Raj Jha

5 mins

Three Strategies We Use To Automate Our Members’ Practices

I often get questions about the tools we use at Practice Alchemy. Many people want to know what tools we recommend for our members so they can make their practices more profitable

Raj Jha

4 mins

The 3 Things that Determine the Success of Your Employees

Within the past month I’ve spoken with several attorneys who said they’ve given up on hiring.

Every time they hire somebody, it doesn’t work out. Some think they must be a

Raj Jha

2 mins

What I Learned from Taking One Day Off a Week

It’s finally time for me to eat my own dog food.

I’m leading a training called Management by Vacation for the Practice Alchemy community. It helps you determine how much time you

Raj Jha

3 mins

Client Management: Why Consistency Is Essential

People have a love-hate relationship with consistency. In all aspects of our lives, we crave consistency, and we hate it when we don’t have consistently good results.

But we don’t

Raj Jha

3 mins

How to Create Equity in your Law Practice

When it’s time to retire, you have three options:

  1. Turn off the lights, walk away, and never collect another dollar from your practice.
  2. Work into your 70s or 80s so you can
Raj Jha

3 mins