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Law Firm Bookkeeping Tips To Set Your Firm Up For Success

Practice Alchemy has worked with countless law firms that attempt to do all of their bookkeeping internally. While some firms can make it work if they have the proper personnel,

Ross Yellin


A Systematic Approach to Growing Your Law Firm

Do you feel like your practice is out of control?

Do you feel like you’re always reacting, like the ground seems to move under your feet?

Whenever you plan to do something, you

Raj Jha

3 mins

How to Send Good Clients Out The Door. Or Not.

There are certain types of clients that every attorney is on the lookout for.

Loyal clients. Sophisticated clients. Clients who know what they want. Clients who are experts in

Raj Jha

3 mins

Is Your Marketing Depreciating? Or Appreciating?

Most lawyers are doing marketing that builds zero long-term value for their practice. In fact, they’d be better off doing no marketing at all than flushing money down the toilet.

Raj Jha

4 mins

Are Your Clients a Pain in the Rear? Guess What… It’s Your Fault.

Attorneys come up to me all the time and say, “I wish I could be picky with my clients like you are. I can’t wait until I get to that point.”

My response is always the same…


Raj Jha

3 mins

How To Grow Your Practice Using Negative Feedback

Many lawyers are afraid to ask clients for an honest assessment of their performance. This fear is probably ego-related ... the lawyer would be horrified if the client had

Raj Jha

2 mins

Good Marketing, Crap Clients

Good marketing isn’t just about acquiring leads. Good marketing is also about laying the foundation for the relationship that you’re going to have with your client. If you just

Raj Jha

4 mins

How to Teach an Old (and Cheap) Client New (and Profitable) Tricks

A Practice Alchemy member is in the process of shifting his pricing from discount to premium pricing. He recently asked about the best way to get the new business model going and

Raj Jha

4 mins