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Law Firm Bookkeeping Tips To Set Your Firm Up For Success

Practice Alchemy has worked with countless law firms that attempt to do all of their bookkeeping internally. While some firms can make it work if they have the proper personnel,

Ross Yellin


The 80/20 Law of Referrals for Lawyers

The Pareto principle says 80 percent of the results you get come from 20 percent of the things you do.

In other words 80 percent of the effect comes from 20 percent of the cause.

Raj Jha

2 mins

If They Don’t Know What to Think about You, They Won’t Refer To You

I’ve always been suspicious of that Indian restaurant with pizza on the menu.

A lot of lawyers add more and more practice areas to their firm’s “menu”. Maybe they started by

Raj Jha

2 mins

How to Send Good Clients Out The Door. Or Not.

There are certain types of clients that every attorney is on the lookout for.

Loyal clients. Sophisticated clients. Clients who know what they want. Clients who are experts in

Raj Jha

3 mins

Is Your Marketing Depreciating? Or Appreciating?

Most lawyers are doing marketing that builds zero long-term value for their practice. In fact, they’d be better off doing no marketing at all than flushing money down the toilet.

Raj Jha

4 mins

Why I Never, Ever Eat Cucumbers

I don't eat cucumbers.

Haven't in years. Maybe the last time I had one voluntarily (that is, without someone sneaking it into some freaking 'veggie dip' recipe) was when I was

Raj Jha

2 mins

How to Find New Law Clients for $10 a Week

I hate to break it to you, but there is no magic marketing bullet that will bring a flood of new clients to your doorstep. Too many lawyers waste their time searching for this

Raj Jha

3 mins

(Marketing) Lessons From A Serial Killer

I've fallen behind, but I'm catching up on episodes of Dexter.

If you don't know about it, the show has a great premise. Dexter Morgan is a blood spatter analyst working for Miami

Raj Jha

2 mins